CEO - Monday 21 June, 2021

Your support truly makes it possible for men and women to get the help they need to recover from addiction – your generosity is their hope!

Thank you so much for all your gifts, donations and supports in all of the ways that you invest into Impact Recovery.

We urgently need your help to raise $35,000 to support our current participants, people waiting for our service, their children and families.

This support will make it possible to:

  • Re-open our Women’s Residence   
  • Provide 4 Bed Packages of 12 months of recovery support @ $7,800pp
  • Provide purposed skills & training to current participants to help with their program this year to gain new skills to return to the workforce; 7 Training Packages @ $300pp

If it is a benefit to you to offset tax or know of others who would invest prior to EOFY, please share this campaign!

We are a recognised welfare and charity organisation, which means donations to Impact Recovery are fully tax deductible and are purposefully and intentionally applied to helping people overcome a life of crippling addictions. All gifts over $2 are tax deductible.

Your donations will have a direct impact in the life of a person! Increased investment in AOD treatment is beneficial for society as a whole. We know that for every $1 spent on treatment services, there is a $7 return to the community.

Please support us by clicking on the DONATE NOW! button.


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